Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Legend of Zelda

Hey team, long time no talk. Here's a series of posters I did for my favorite games of all time, The Legend of Zelda.

Hope you guys like 'em! For anyone interested, they're printed in a run of 200, 18x24 and available here:
Tell all your friends!
-Marinko Milosevski


  1. What method are these printed?

  2. Absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to receive them. :)

  3. Got mine in the mail a few days ago. They are absolutely gorgeous! I framed them and they are getting prime real estate above my entertainment center.

  4. Amazing! no other words! i've been dazzled by your pieces mate. They are one of the most beautiful Games artwork so far, you've caught the right spirit

  5. I would also like to know what method was used to print these.

  6. The link in the description was broken. Do you have any of the Ocarina of Time posters left?
